Area Code, ZIP Code, Phone Number, or IP Address?
Look it up all here!
 Enter Area Code, Zip Code, Phone Number, City Name or IP Address
 (e.g. 408, 94101, 415-555-1234, or San Francisco, CA)
ZIP Code/City Lookup
ZIP Code Locator
Get geographic information linked to any ZIP code.
ZIP Codes by City
Get a list of ZIP codes used within any city in US.
Distance Calculator
Figure out the distance between two ZIP codes or cities.
Area Code/Phone Number Lookup
Area Code/Phone Number
Get location information on an area code or a phone number
Reverse Phone Lookup
Enter a phone number to find out who owns this number -- name, address & other records.
IP Address Lookup
What's My IP Address?
Find out the IP Address you are using to connect to the Internet.
IP Address Lookup
Enter an IP address and find out the owner's name and address against the IP Whois database.
Internet Traffic Tracking
Find out how an Internet packet reaches your computer by IP routing path tracking.
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